Bahrain Visit

  I went to Bahrain for three days (Nov 2009). It is an island with only 1.3 mil people (about 500,000 locals and 700,000 ex-pats). Recently it has been linked to Saudi Arabia through a 26 KM long bridge (supposedly the longest in the world). Actually it is not a Continue Reading


I visited Tehran, the capital of Islamic republic of Iran for few days in September 2009. It was an exciting experience. Iran is an official Shia state. It is evident from the billboards showing slogans about Ali RA, Fatima RA & family. Talking about billboards, there were very few of them Continue Reading

Kuwait Kahani

I went to Kuwait last week for a few days. Kuwait is an interesting country: It is one of the smallest countries (area: 20,000 Sq KM, people 3 million), yet one of the richest in the world. It has approximately 5% of the world oil reserves Its 80% population is Continue Reading


I went to Barcelona last week to attend the MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2010. This is the most prestigious event in the GSM world. All the wireless related companies stage their stalls here displaying their products and future aspirations. Leading personalities from the telecom industry address the audience. Every flight Continue Reading

from Lisbon Portugal

I came to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal (locally called Lisboa) for three days. Portugal is a developed European Union member country with population of 10 million. It shares largest part of border with Spain on north & east, and has Atlantic Ocean on the west. Portugal is a peaceful & Continue Reading