I visited Saudi Arabia from UK with family for Umrah during December 2021 / Jan 2022. Here are few suggestions that may help you if you are planning the same.
It is easy to do Umrah without any Agent or buying a Package (also known as DIY Umrah). Buy airline ticket online, book hotel via Booking.com, airBandB, or directly online. Get eVisa online, and off you go.

Important Point:
- NOTE: Most of the Covid restrictions are removed now. Please check on Saudi Government website for updates
- Saudi e-visa is much better option (allowed to citizens of some countries only). It can be obtained online instantaneously, cheaper, multiple entry, valid for one year, includes Umrah and allows to visit any city.
- Obtaining cash from ATM with a card that does not charge fee is best option. I used Starling UK Bank
- Using Uber Taxi is best; it is reasonably priced, no haggling required and is safe
- Each Prayer in Masjid Haram needs booking separately but multiple prayers can be booked
- All Prayers and Tawaf are performed on 1st floor in Masjid Haram. Only Umrah is performed on Ground floor as of April 2022.
- App Twakalna is required for entry to many Mosques, Hotels and Shops
- It is much easy to do a DIY Umrah than buying a package
- Regulations change quickly so please check online for current situation
Things to Do:
1. Need to Do in same order and with accuracy – it is important:
a. Obtain e-Visa: Link: https://visa.visitsaudi.com/
b. Register at Muqeem (Saudi Govt Website) after getting Visa and before Travelling: https://muqeem.sa/#/vaccine-registration/home
c. Install Tawakalna App – it shows your Vaccination status
d. Install Eatmarna App – it is used to book slot for Umrah, Tawwaf, Riaz al Jannah and for Salam at Roza
Apps in points C & D above can be installed while abroad but these will activate only once you are in Saudi, have inserted Saudi SIM & turned ON the Location
2. Buy SIM at Airport. (I bought Mobily SIM for SAR 134, it offers 25GB Data and 1500mins)
3. Turn ON GPS Location for Apps to work
4. Activate Tawakalna App right away. It may take up to a day before full activation. It Must show your photo & your vaccination details once fully active. Eatmarna App (next point) will not work till this one is active.
5. Then Activate Eatmarna. It sometimes take one day to upload your data. Eatmaran will ask few questions the first time (are you vaccinated?, etc). Only after that it will start showing you options to book Umrah, Prayer etc at Haram Sharif.
6. Book slots for both Masaajid as soon as possible. Slots on Friday are very popular.
7. Use Uber taxi. It is an Excellent option. No price haggling, no need to explain the destination. Drivers & cars are decent
8. My Bank (Starling, UK) does not charge me fee for using its Card abroad. So I used it everywhere. Much better than using cash. Check with your bank about their charges.
9. Whatsapp messages work but Calls don’t work. Application IMO calls work.
10. I withdrew cash from ATMs with my bank card (UK one) and it gave me better rate than the Currency Exchanges – so it is a much better option
11. I booked Hotels via Booking.com and AirBnB – these allow free cancellations up to couple of days before visit
12. You can buy prepacked 5 litre Zamzam bottle per person and check it in on Saudi airline from Madina airport. But not allowed from Jaddah airport currently.
Please ask if you have any questions.
Many in US have locked cell phones that wont work with Saudi SIM.. Make sure your phone is unlocked. Also, family members should get SIM from the same company such as Mobily since calls between same company SIM phones are free.
If I take my duel sim phone can I add my UK sim along with KSA sim? If so, can I then use WhatsApp on my UK sim via, my hotel WiFi?
You can try.
Whatsapps work on the Phone, not SIM. I inserted Saudi SIM in my phone (and removed UK SIM. Whatsapp worked and showed all the UK contacts and Groups. Chats worked but calls did not.
On one phone, only one instance of Whatsapp will work. You may use a separate phone for Saudi.
Jazak’Allah khairan for your quick response and advice. Your guide has been extremely helpful because I’m not going in a group and needed to know these little details.
JizakAllh Kashif bhai,
Very helpful and informative post
many many congratulations Kashif bhai, very informative article for Umrah planning in COVID19 days, travelling become nightmare and expensive.