Amin the Hand-Less is an inspiration for Life!
Nick Vujicic is even more inspiring!
Mohsin Nawaz leaves them behind by many miles. If Mohsin’s story doesn’t inspire you nothing will.
Mohsin Nawaz was only 2 years old when his legs paralysed due to Polio leaving him in wheelchair for rest of his life. Unable to move about he would stay home, read books and listen to radio.
Mohsin loved reading & writing stories. He sent his stories to famous children’s monthly magazine ‘Phool’ for publishing. His stories were eventually published but by then he could not read; Mohsin lost his eyes at the age of 13. It was a real shock for him & his parents.
Unable to move, unable to see, Mohsin would lay in a corner of his house like an old out of use piece of furniture. One day an old lady visited his house. While talking to his mother she enquired; Baji aap iss kay liyae duaa kiyun nahien kartay? (Sister, why don’t you pray to Allah for him?
Only people from Pakistan would understand the real chilling meaning behind this statement. This statement is said about a terminally ill person who has no hope; it means “may Allah take his life away to alleviate his suffering”.
His mother replied what are you saying? The lady replied he has no legs no eyes; he is capable of nothing. And Mohsin was listening to this conversation. It shocked him. This very moment changed his life forever.
“Your Life Begin to Change the moment you Accept the challenge thrown at you”.
Mohsin whispered quietly; O Lord, I don’t have legs, I don’t eyes. So what? I will show the world what I can do with the rest of your blessings I possess. I will perform the best with these. And indeed he did.
He started studying. We are talking about some 30 years ago. There were very little facilities for disabled then. He could not attend any school. Mohsin would buy books & cassettes and ask his friends to record the books on those cassettes. He would then play these cassettes and listen to books. He has memorised 1500 books till now! This is his level of commitment to knowledge.
Mohsin accepted what Allah Ta’ala intended for him. If you are happy with what Allah has brought your way, He (SWT) will be with you! But he worked diligently on what was in his control!
Our Lord says:
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (Al Ra’ad 11)
Indeed it was Mohsin’s deep desire to change the state of his life and he did it.
Where there is a Will there is a Way.
He educated himself & completed Master’s Degree in Urdu. He is a committed person.
“I accept challenges & change – if someone says; Mohsin you can’t do this, I will make sure I do it”.
Mohsin would listen to radio and learn through educational programs. He went to buy an Urdu type writer. The shop owner discouraged him; don’t waste money dear, you won’t be able to learn it. And the very evening he amazed his family when he showed them their typed names!
“It is not the abilities, rather the burning desire to do something that keeps you awake at night would lead you to success.”
Mohsin has melodious voice. He was selected as radio presenter for Mast FM 103 Radio to conduct a Live show. His show was a success; he is one the popular presenters (RJ Radio) in Pakistan today and conducts a show every Sunday 12 to 2 pm for the last 13 years!
“Disability is Not in Our Body, rather in Our Thoughts”
Maria, among 1000s of his followers on radio, was so impressed with his voice that she decided to marry him. She knew the marriage won’t be a straight forward one; Mohsin needs a lot of help in his daily life chores. But she was determined; now they are happily living together for many years and have kids who go to college now.
“Handicap is not the one who cannot walk or see, rather the one who has no desire to do anything.”
Radio show brought further success; he was offered a Telemarketer job in a private firm. He performed really well and was eventually promoted to as Director Public Relations.
Mohsin delivers inspirational speeches to many and brings those back to life who have lost hope. He has motivated 1000s. Listen to Mohsin on Youtube. One such excellent video is here. Listen & be amazed by his knowledge (listen from 11th minute onward):
Mohsin says:
When somebody told me that he has failed in his exams, my question is, *”Is it a law that you will pass every time?”* When somebody asked me why am I in depression, my question is, *”Is it compulsory to have confidence all the time?”* When someone cried to me about his huge business loss due to his wrong decision, my question is, *”Is it possible that you take all right decisions?”* The fact is our expectation that life has to be perfect/permanent is the biggest reason of our unhappiness.
One has to understand the law of impermanence of nature. After each sunny day, there has to be a dark night, after each birth there have to be certain deaths, for the full moon to come again it has to pass through no moon. In this imperfection of nature, there is perfection. So *stop taking your failures and bad part of your life soooo personally or intensely,* even God does not like to give you pain but its the cycle through which you have to pass. Prepare yourself for one more fight after each fall because even failures cannot be permanent…! Enjoy life…. *Your breath comes to go.* *Your thoughts come to go.* *Your words come to go.* *Your actions come to go.* *Your feelings come to go.* *Your illnesses come to go.* *Your phases come to go.* *Your seasons come to go.* *You have come to go.* Then why do you hold on to your guilt, anger, unforgiveness, hatred so so so tightly, when it too has come to go… Let it go …