Life Changes

He was 18 years old young boy from a wealthy, religious family and belonged to one of our relatives. He was hafiz-e-Quran, well-mannered and eldest child in the family. Although he had everything one can wish for in this world but he was not spoilt at all. He had already started shouldering his father’s burden gradually by taking part in their family business. One day I heard the news that he is in hospital sustaining head injury from a road accident. He was in coma and his condition wasn’t good. The next day brought a sad news; he passed away.

“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return”

Eye witnesses stated that he was driving his motorbike with only one hand while other hand was busy with mobile phone. His bike struck a small hole in ground at a low speed. He could not maintain balance and His head struck a small stone on the road giving him one single but fatal injury. Bike was fine. We can learn two lessons here:

1-      One must not use Phone while driving (this is true for car also), and

2-      Driver must wear helmet while driving a bike

Parents were devastated. Indeed it was a big loss for them. One day a lady came for condolences. She was a family friend and known to us a respectable and decent person. Realising we were heartbroken with the incident, she shared her own story for the first time. In her own words:

“I was living happily with my husband and children in Islamabad. My husband would take care of all outdoor chores and I will look after family. Hardly would I bother with outside word; I was a complete housewife. One day I was informed that my mum is not well and I should visit her urgently. Realising her serious condition, the whole family decided to visit her in Gujranwala. By the time we reached there she had departed to meet her Lord. We conducted my mother’s funeral with heavy heart.

“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return”

My husband had to return next day due to some commitments. So, he, his brother and my eldest son departed in our car. Just before driving off, my few years old daughter jumped into the car insisting she must go with papa. I left behind with our youngest son. Few hours passed; suddenly I was informed that our car had a fatal accident. My husband & his brother died on the spot. My son and daughter were severely injured. Son died later and daughter was paralysed, stuck in wheelchair for life. For me life stopped suddenly.

It would be understatement to say that I was devastated. Though alive, I was nearly dead mentally. I don’t know what was happening around me for few months.

But life is too stubborn to stop. I had to look after two young children and one of them was disabled. They had needs that required fulfilling. One day a lady came to visit me. She enquired how long would you stay like this? Control yourself; you are responsible for your family now. It made me think; no matter what situation I am in, life around me is moving on. I had to do something, for my children’s sake. So I started organising myself. I had never dealt with the outside world but there was no escape now. I learned driving and started looking for a job; soon I secured a lecturer’s position. From that day onward, I never looked back. My past was history now; I started living in present. My daughter & son have grownup now. Daughter is still in wheelchair and son is studying in university!”

Subhan Allah, it was very encouraging for us. We were thinking we had the worst in life but there is always someone who had been through more hardships.

We can learn a number of lessons from this story:

–          Enjoy the blessings of Allah while we have them; be it family, wealth or health

–          Be ready for whatever comes our way. If a hardship falls upon us, we must endure it gracefully (with sabr). Indeed there are great rewards for it.

–          We must struggle with best possible way to change our situation. This is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (SAW)

–          World changes around us constantly; we need to adapt to the changes.

–          Life never stops no matter what. Make the best use of it.


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sania nasim
sania nasim
10 years ago

Thank you Mamu for such a great reminder.