Huae Tum Dost – Part 2

Read Part 1 Here

Welcome to Our Land

Discovery Brought Death for Natives

Christopher landed in West Indies first. He & his armies were welcomed by the native people who were named as Red Indians; Columbus thought he had arrived in India. They were very hospitable and friendly – and were unarmed. Their land was fertile!

After discovering Amreeka & knowing the poeple, Christopher started killing red Indians at an estimated average of 1.2 million per year. The local people were considered less-than-humans, so were killed as sport too. Soon Christian Church & Columbus got well established here. Ships loaded with wealth & slaves started reaching Spain.

Killing as a Hobby
Killing as a Hobby

Queen being kind at heart, decided to grant few benefits to the victimized red Indians. Under these grants, Colubus was ordered to suitably inform the victims in advance that they are going to be killed and the reason for killing was also told. Crowds would be gathered and a statement would be read to them; in Latin or Spanish whichever suitable. Not a single person among them could understand Spanish or Latin!

The long statement is summarized below:

“You are ordered to obey Saint Peter & the Church. In case of disobedience, we will fight against you in every possible way. Your belongings will be confiscated and your women & children will be enslaved & sold. You will be solely responsible for any physical & material damage that may occur during this course, not the queen or its armies.”

Nearly 500 years passed, have the killing stopped? Just ask the Mayan Indians (the original people of Mexico & Central America) Maria Novaro, writes in NY Times (1999), Guatemalan army which is involved in killing Mayans is supported by US government through money, training and protection.

Christopher had learned very well from Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand on how to keep promises and regard agreements. He would make contracts with red Indians, accept all of their demands and then kill them all at a suitable time. He knew there is no contract, no promise, no agreement between powerful & weak. Only one rule applies and that is “might is right”. (Why don’t we understand this? We still believe in their promises).


Christopher was so ruthless that even queen had to take notice of the complaints against him. He was removed from powers and arrested on his way back to Spain. He was later released but his powers were taken off. Alas, irreversible damage had been done to the victims by then.

Now, tell me, Amreeka whose base is on creed and exploitation of other nations, how could it be beneficial to us?


Two Surrenders & Two Amir Abdullah’s

two amir
General Amir Niazi (left), Amir Abdullah (right)

Two shameful surrenders occurred in Muslims history; both were done by two Amir Abdullah’s. One, surrender of Ghernata by Amir Abdullah and second, surrender of Dhaka (now Bangladesh) by General Amir Abdullah Niazi to Indian army. Both Amir’s have striking similarities besides their name:

  1. Both had big army at the time of surrender (35000 in Spain & 90000 in East Pakistan). They could fight & resist for long time but resorted to disgraceful surrender.
  2. Both waited for external support which never arrived (General Amir was waiting support from Amreeka (as promised) but it never arrived).
  3. While Muslims lost their honor, lives & dignity, both Amirs successfully secured their personal interests (General Amir had paan business in Dhaka).
  4. Both were disgraced in public at the time of surrender. Former Abdullah wanted to surrender inside Alhamra palace but he was refused and asked to do so in public. General Abdullah was beaten with shoes on his head (closest translation of “sur par jootian”) and spate on face before surrendering in front of media. It was video recorded.
  5. They lived a long life after surrender and were never accounted for their shameful actions.

There were some dissimilarity also. Amir Abdullah from Grenada was crying with tears while surrendering; he was full of shame & sorrow. Amir Abdullah fought his father to drive him away to gain power hence wasting his efforts & power. But when the time came to fight, he surrendered.

While leaving the Grenata, he cast his last sight on Alhamra and burst into tears. Her mother turned to Amir Abdullah and advised ” Don’t Cry like a woman for what you could not defend like a man“.


General Niazi Surrendering in Public Ceremony
General Niazi Surrendering in Public Ceremony

The General Niazi was a shameless arrogant character; he was telling dirty jokes to Indian high command while surrendering. He never accepted responsibility.

Read Selected Urdu Text Here

Surrenders do not match Muslims psyche and whenever we surrendered, it had profound negative impact. There are lessons to be learned:


  1. We must learn from history.
  2. We must not try the already tried ones.
  3. Amreeka & west will never benefit us – they have their own interests to fulfil.
  4. Their target is ourselves and our wealth.
  5. They will destroy us if we join them, and they destroy us if we oppose them. Decide which one is graceful?
  6. We cannot change our past; we can only learn from it – Let’s do so and move on.

To be continued…


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11 years ago

AA Shared the blog with some other friends and received one interesting reply worth sharing. “Quite interesting. Killing of red Indians is a dark chapter that European American settlers should always feel ashamed of. Modern day liberal western media has at last started acknowledging it though they are always criticized by conservative sections to be so critical of their own history. This is the dilemma of Michael Moores and Noam Chomskies that they are praised everywhere else except their own country because they show mirror to their own society. Speaking of showing mirror, for the second blog lamenting two surrenders… Read more »

Saeed Raamay
Saeed Raamay
11 years ago

Thanks for sharing. Keep it up sir.

Ibrahim Qazzaz
Ibrahim Qazzaz
11 years ago

The one in Andalus – Spain is Abu Abdullah Assagheer: Father of Abdullah- the minor.

11 years ago

Thank you Kashif for the great reminders. There is a saying “that people who don’t learn history, are doomed to repeat it ! ” We as an ummah don’t study history, we have the same tricks and games played on us time and time again. The enemies of Islam must be laughing uncontrollably at how stupid the ummah appears to be. A big part of our failure is poor quality islamic scholarship. We need to listen with respect to all opinions and follow what makes most sense, not which group we are affiliated with. When our loyalty switches to Allah… Read more »