Urdu Book “Huae Tum Dost Jis kay” by Dr Haq Haqqi published in 2007 is about the bloody history of west (mainly US, also of British, Spanish, Portuguese, Germans, French etc), and how they literally ruined the rest of the world, especially Muslims. If you are light hearted, don’t read; it won’t let you sleep at night.
What is the history of US anyway? As put simply by the then chairman of Islamic society of North America some 30 years ago “God-Less-Ness, Slavery and Bloodshed”. The title of the book comes from an Urdu verse from Ghalib, the most famous poet. The translated meaning would be “One who gets your freindship, needs no more enemies”.
Below is a summary extract from the book. Few Photos and Text Pages attached Here. Read these first (in Urdu) before reading the summary. In this part author looks at events leading to sad demise of Spanish Muslim Empire & discovery of Amreeka. It also explores 4 characters who influenced our history badly, Queen Isabella, Christopher Columbus, and two Abdullah. We must learn from the history as it repeats itself; unless we do something to change its course.
My heart is crying while writing this summary. The saying “history repeats itself” is very true if you look at the Muslims history. But we have failed to learn anything from our past. Dr Haq starts the book by looking at last days of Spanish moor (Muslim) empire. He explores the behavior & actions of Muslim & Christian leaders of that time. There is a striking similarity in their behavior & actions with today’s leaders. If we do nothing & history succeeds in repeating (God forbid), we are doomed.
1492 – a Sad Year
1492 is very important year in the history of all nations and very sad one for the Muslims. This was the year we lost power in Spain after 800 years of rule and this was the year Amreeka was discovered. Both events belonged to one woman, the Spanish Christian Queen Isabella. Both of these events proved to bring great disgrace and loss to humanity.
Fall of Ghernata (Grenada) Spain
In a shameful ceremony outside Alhambra palace in Ghernata, Amir Abdullah the governor of Ghernata handed over the keys to Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand in the presence of their chief religious minister Cardinal and a special guest the Christopher Columbus. Christopher writes in his diary “Today, 2nd January 1492, the flag of queen Isabella rose forcefully on the minarets of Alhamra Palace. Then I saw the moor king Abdullah kissing the hands of Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand.”

A contract was signed between both parties that ensured that Muslims will not be harmed and more importantly Amir Abdullah was ensured that his personal interests will be protected. Amir Abdullah was crying during the ceremony. The Christian king said the famous words to comfort him “trust our promises, we will not betray you” (don’t we hear the same slogan from today’s leaders?). These promises & agreements were forgotten as soon as the ceremony concluded. The streets of Ghernata saw drunken Christian solders running after Muslim women. Mosques were filled with filthy smells of their horses. Libraries were burnt which had a wealth of centuries old knowledge, more than 300,000 books, sending dark smoke to skies; the darkness that is still lingering upon Muslims to date.
Why Amreeka was Discovered
Christopher Columbus was born in Italy to a Jewish family. He developed a keen interest in sailing adventures & by the age of 21 he became a famous sailor who wanted to discover new lands to make wealth & fortune. For that Columbus needed political & financial support. He contacted many European rulers for help but was rejected. Jews who were well established & felt secure in Spain under Muslim rules envisaged their fall. They knew very well that the fall of Muslim rule would make their life miserable under Christian leaders. They wanted someone to discover new lands for them where they could live peacefully. Christopher was a perfect candidate. They supported him in his cause.

Christopher presented his case in front of King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella. They were assured that Christopher will bring lots of gold, diamonds and slaves from newly discovered lands. “I want to spread Christianity whole heatedly in newly discovered lands and want to take the message of holy church there. I intend to spend a good chunk of the income from new lands on freeing churches of Jerusalem from Muslims”. His case was accepted & Queen appointed him as her viceroy, an admiral and gave him 3 ships, 100 sailors & 2000 gold coins, hence full military and political support to discover new lands. And within 6 months Amreeka was discovered.
So what this discovery meant? Wealth for Europe & Death for Natives & Blacks.