I visited the magnificent Waddesdon Manor few days ago. It is a beautiful country house Palace built on a hill top near the village Waddesdon in Buckinghamshire county. The house is surrounded by elegant English style Gardens.

We walked in the parks for long time and enjoyed the stunning beauty. I did not go inside the manor; there was not much time left and also it was quite costly.

So, who built this Manor? A Royal? No. It was a Banker – Yes, read on!!
Few Amazing Facts:
– Construction work started in 1874 & completed in 1889
– It was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild to impress & entertain the prominent people of the time.
– It has 45 rooms with stunning views of one of the finest English gardens all around.
– It’s architecture is typical Rothschild style so sometimes this building is referred to as “Gout Rothschild”, meaning Rothschild’s Taste. This family has built many buildings in similar style all around Europe
– The manor was equipped with the most modern innovations of that time; including steel in the walls, running hot & cold water, central heating & electric lights.
– Full grown trees were uprooted and transferred to the gardens. They used Chloroform as anaesthetic to the roots to minimise the shock; though this novel idea failed.

– Queen Victoria was so impressed that she invited herself to Waddesdon Manor. Gardens did not impress her as much as the electrical lightings did. It is said she spent nearly 10 minutes switching On & Off a chandelier.
– James de Rothschild, the last owner handed the manor to British National Trust as a heritage building in 1957 at his death. James also donated £750,000 to National Trust – the biggest amount ever donated to the trust.
– It was opened to public after restoration. It is now second most visited National Trust building with payment of ticket.
– Many films & dramas are shot at Waddesdon Manor such as Carry On movie “Don’t Lose your Head” and Indian movie “Khabi Khushi Khabi Gham”.

So who are Rothschild??? Were they so much rich?? Let me tell you:
Rothschild, a Jewish family originally from Frankfurt entered into banking around 1760s. They established their offices in major European capital cities; soon becoming the most Rich family in the history owning around half of the wealth of whole world. Their wealth has declined overtime, still it is estimated around $300 to $400 Billion.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder, after realising that wealth can be lost via local looting or other violent events, he established an international bank and held their assets in the form of global bonds, loans, stocks & shares; hence saving them from losing – a real cunning way. Also, they kept their wealth internal by keeping their business in the hands of close family members.
Just like other rich families of the time, they “invested” into the powerful Royals and leaders of the time in order to manipulate them, as well as financing the wars in order to get financial gains. So they became too rich to believe.

So where their wealth came from?? They did not start any industry such as manufacturing which would generate some commodity, & in turn produce wealth. Rather they invested in Promises on paper, also known as bonds, shares & paper notes. They themselves bought Gold (&still do) – a solid commodity. By use of these tools, they sucked wealth out of us, the public, making few rich the richest & rest the poorest.

Mind you this banking system is designed that way. If it prospers, we pay the price, and if it fails, we still pay the price! Remember the recent banking system collapse?
Good disply of ideas. Rockerfields and rothschilds have re-shaped the world. Money in older times tend to flow from richer to poor often at exhorbitent rates. Now it flows from poor to richer.The result is the same. The oppresser is the same and so are oppressed. victims are the poor or weak.
Very ture Umar. You are right that money is going from Poor to Rich at very fast pace.