Bus 76

Plane landed on-time on Heathrow terminal 1. I paced myself through the long familiar walkways of terminal 1. I had already calculated the time I will need to reach the central bus station to take bus 76. Odds were in my favour; no

Heathrow Bus Station

stopping at immigration or customs. I arrived well 10 minutes in advance at the stand 5.

It was a cold October evening and the stand was empty. A timetable at stand 5 was displaying bus 76 timings. Few minutes passed but there was no sign of bus; the driver must be stuck in traffic I thought. Suddenly I noticed bus 76 exiting the bus station. Oh no; I didn’t believe my eyes. The driver must be waiting on a different stand, now just turning around to reach stand 5. I will see him entering from the entrance shortly. The stands are designed in such a way that bus has to leave and go around the bus station to change stand. Several minutes passed but no bus 76 – stand 5 was empty as ever! I realized bus 76 had left for good from another stand. How can it be? I checked the timetable at stand 5 again; it was displaying bus 76 clearly.

I rushed to the help desk. Bus 76 now leaves from stand 19, I was informed. But stand 5 is still showing the time table, I complained. It must be a mistake; the person at desk enlightened me without any regret as if saying just go away I don’t care. He did not even take any note of the incorrect display. I was really dismayed. I went back the stand 5 to take off the timetable so it does not confuse someone else but I could not; it was fully secured. I walked to stand 19 and took the next bus 76. However I could not forget the incident.

After few days I contacted the bus company “first group” that runs bus 76 to complain. I was told that maintaining timetables at Heathrow central bus station is the responsibility of “National Express Limited”. This is the company that runs intercity coaches.

I contacted National Express. They advised it is not their but TFL’s (Transport for London) responsibility.

I contacted TFL. I was informed that it is Heathrow Airport’s responsibility so go to BAA (British Aviation Authority).

So I contacted BAA asking them to make sure if bus stands are shuffled, the correct information should be put to display. To my surprise I received an email informing me that displays have been corrected.

Wow, success 5th time; I had to correspond to 4 companies, had to swallow 4 ‘NOs’ and wait for 4 weeks to hear ‘YES’.

The big question is, why did I bother myself?

Not only because I had to waste time at stand 5. But also because the display at stand 5 was still wrong; it would confuse other passengers.

There are two morals of the story folks; one is personal and second is societal.


1-      Never Give UP if you want to be successful in life.  You do not fail until you stop. And path to success passes through Failure; in fact many failures. Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before successfully constructing a light bulb. You need to swallow many No’s before the Yes.

2-      I corrected the wrong to benefit others in the society. If we do not remove a nail from the path until it punctures our foot, the paths will be full of nails soon. Don’t wait for others to correct something – Do it Yourself. Great people leave the society in better shape than the way they find it.

Every little deed counts; nothing is too small. The society will be better place if everyone does his small bit.


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Jawad China
Jawad China
12 years ago

Lucky that you were not calling the authorities in the sweet country, *******n. Otherwise, if same would have happened in *******n you would have successfully completed the loop when BAA would have said that it’s the responsibility of First Group. LoL.!~ and your struggle would have ended in vain.

12 years ago

Allhamdullilah brother. Only a brave man will make it through all of the thorns in the way. A coward will stop halfway. The only way to reach the finish line is to be persistent. You should be striving to race to jannah not the duniya.

12 years ago

couldnt agree with you more brother.Remind me of a hadith too.that, ‘Paradise is under the shade of Swords’. ‘Jannat talwar ki chaoon m hai’.Also an english saying ‘No pain No gain’.

12 years ago

Nice effort. Keep it up.