The Giving Machine

 Join this Non-Profit charity, shop at famous shops such as Tesco, Marks & Spencer,  Ebay, Amazon, etc and a Percentage will be will donated to the charity of your choice, such as schools, Save the Children, etc – at no cost to you!

It costs you nothing, You pay the same amount but the seller pays some amount to your chosen charity or school.

All you need to do is simply join as Giver and select the charities/schools to benefit.

When you want to shop:

– Simply Logon to the Giving Machine website.

– Click on the Shop where you want to shop (click the shop link from the GivingMachine website)..

– Shop online as normal.

– Then see your donations grow.

Please join and let others know. LINK:

You lose nothing, but a school will get new equipment for lab or an orphan will get food & shelter somewhere…

(Let others know please)

Thank you

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