Fighting for or feeling Proud of one’s Nationality, Skin Colour, Family Lineage, Language, Culture is NOT PART of ISLAM.
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
“And he who fights under such a flag whose purpose is not clear, or who gets angry due to nationalistic(ethnic, patriotic) partisanship, or calls people towards nationalism or helps people on nationalistic criteria and gets killed, then he dies a death of the days of Ignorance (Jahiliyya).” [Sahih Muslim]
This saying of Rasul Allah (SAW) teaches us that we must avoid:
1. Fighting in a war whose purpose is not clear; a battle in which it is not obvious why and for what one is fighting.
2. Anger that arises out of partisanship; e.g. pride in one’s nationality, patriotic feelings, disliking other Muslims because of their having a different culture, linguistic pride, pride in one’s ancestry, etc.
3. Inciting these feelings in others, calling people to share in nationalistic pride or forming any group based on these types of partisanships.
4. Helping anybody for any of these reasons.
Clearly these are not part of Islam. Then why we feel proud to be Arab, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi? Why do we distinguish between Pakistani, Iraqi, Saudi & so on?
Islam guides us to a much better value that we should seek; “Better among you are those who are more pious (have more taqwa), those who follow the path of Allah”, not those who have specific skin colour or come from certain area.

Wake up friends, don’t divide on nationalism; unite on Islam; we are One Ummah!
Also according to one hadith ‘ Those who calls for asabiyah (asbiat in urdu) is not from us’.After 18 years Altaf hussain realised this,hence he changed it from Mahajir qaumi movement to Mutahida.Not because of any interest in hadith or islam but only to win the support of people other then muhajir.
Also Allama Iqbal describe this in these words in urdu
‘ In taza khudaon m sub sy bada watan hay
Pehrahan(libas)hay jo iska mazhab ka kafan hai’