Islam and Our Actions – Part 1

Deeni vs Duniya (Religious vs Worldly) Actions

A friend shared this incident:

I was studying A Levels and used to attend a tuition centre 30 minutes drive away from my home. One day I had a test so I arrived half an hour early to avoid being late. Seeing a mosque nearby, I decided to sit inside it and start revising my physics book. It was after zohar payer time (afternoon).
 After 10 minutes Imam sahib came up to me and enquired “what are you doing”? I explained that I come for tuition nearby but it is not time yet so I decided to sit here and read my book.
Sorry you cannot read a dunyavee (worldly) book in the Mosque, close it or leave the mosque, I was ordered. So I left without arguing with ‘imam sahib’.”


Can you imagine this was done by a person who was representing Islam as Imam? The way of life whose Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taught reading as first thing by the angel Jibraael AS. And Who (SAW) freed the prisoners of war on the condition that they teach few illiterate Muslims. Now think about this for a moment; what a non-Muslim prisoner can teach a Muslim? Deen?? No way; so was it duniya??

Forget about ordinary people, even Imam sahibs don’t carry right understanding of actions; there is no such distinction as deen or duniya (deen or world) actions. Islam has a simple criteria of right or wrong; allowed or disallowed. And this covers ALL Actions; be it reading Quran, doing trade in bazaar or reading Physics.

What is Important?

We perform many tasks daily which include ibadaats and other life actions. While doing so we give preference to few over others; or in other words we prioritise these actions as ‘we’ understand their importance. Islam has provided us with a proper order of importance for actions. We generally know this order from Islamic point of view but at times it gets ignored while performing actions.

This is especially true when it comes to ibadaat VS so called worldly actions. This is also true when it comes to comparing Fard (obligations) & Sunnah (Mustahabat, Mandubaat). Let me give few examples:

  • Is it not common that many Muslims pray Taravih prayer regularly during Ramadhan but would miss Fard prayers on Eid day or during the rest of the year; an example of misunderstanding the importance of Fard over a mandoub/sunnah?
  • Is it not common that many Muslims would fulfil all obligations but won’t care about dealing in Interest (Riba)?
  • Is it not common that many traders would pray regularly and perform Hajj and umrah but continue lying and cheating in their dealings?
  • Is it not common that all the stolen cars are taken to northern areas of Pakistan? Then these are either given back to the owner on payment of ransom money or dismantled and sold as parts. Many people from other parts of the country visit markets there and buy cheaper spare parts knowingly that these come from stolen cars. How can you buy an engine for 2000 Rs where as its original price is 20,000 Rs? Yet majority people in northern area pray regularly and are considered more religious.
  • Is it not common that we spend huge amount of money on Mosque decorations, celebrations? Yet there are 1000’s around us staying hungry every night?

I can wirte 100’s of example but to summarise, if we want to spend this life according to Islam, we need to understand All of our actions from Islam’s point of view. This is the most important subject, and requires be understood from two important aspects. One, the concept of Reward and Punishment, and second, all actions are just ‘Action’, neither good nor bad. Let me explain.

Read 2nd Part Here

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asfa Shah
asfa Shah
12 years ago

Asslam o alikum, Kashif bhai nice article as usual.. and kashif i also wana to mention one thing one should never point out one category or group of people on general topic it causes fight which ALLAH does not like and advice should be done either taking the common example like ou did or in alone when it to need to be specific otherwise its causes quarel which is again a setan’s work.. I said so caus someone did here the same, no at all its hitting me but again a muslim group which would cause same.. 🙂 May ALLAH… Read more »

Muhammad Asif Shahbaz
Muhammad Asif Shahbaz
12 years ago

In fact there is a big problem for knowing of deen and duniya. The child who is poor in studies, we want to make him as molvi or teacher then how can it be possible that he knows very well about Islam. This is the kind of imam your friend met.

12 years ago

must have been a barelwi narrow minded imam-lowest in understanding Islam.

Muhammad Irfan
Muhammad Irfan
12 years ago

All knowledge is for ALLAH, ALLAH shares knowledge with us if needed with us so we can appreciate and thank Allah.
why dont they read “Aayatul Qursi” translation. Not reading Quran with translation is also the key for such issues.
Alla explain in one of chapters that not understanding the books of ALLAH is like “donkey carrying tons of books”, Donkey is just carrying the books not understanding. Thats what most of previous Umma and current Umma is doing.

Muhammad Irfan
Muhammad Irfan
12 years ago

Most important thing for us to tell everybody THERE IS NO ” such distinction as deen or duniya (deen or world)”. This is th most basic understanding need to be tought to all these so called Imam’s.

Ibrahim Qazzaz
Ibrahim Qazzaz
12 years ago

I think the Imam should understand that any learning the Muslim does can be for the sake of Allah, and not necessarily for “Dunia”. This is what Quran is telling : end of Surat Al-An’am, that prophet is ordered to explain that my prayer, rituals, whole life and death are dedicated to Allah, the Lord of everything. The Imam should know that it is Islamic value to encourage people to be at the mosque. Muslims established their oldest universities (e.g Zaytoona in Tunis, Al-qaraweyyen in Morocco, Al-azhar in Cairo, etc) in mosques. These universities taught all kinds of knowdledge like… Read more »