Till now I had not turned the heating on. I woke up yesterday feeling cold, though I live in a modern house; double glazed (double glass) windows, insulated walls. While driving to school to drop kids I noticed that temperature gauge is displaying a temperature of 5 degrees Centigrade. Winter has really started I thought; time to switch on the heating, so I did as soon as I entered home. I am one of the blessed by Allah who have roof above head, food to feed, clothes to cover and heaters to heat anytime I will. I am grateful to Almighty God for this.
(Click on Photo)

My mind started wondering about the people like above. They have nothing; no shelter, no protection. Sun shine or rain, winter or summer – all are equally hard.
Poorer Going Poorer & Rich Getting……
This is the greedy Capitalist system that is transforming poor to poorer and rich to richer. We need to work to remove it and bring back the just Islamic system that ensured the distribution of resources. I remember the incident of Umar (RA) when He was the leader of Muslims (khalifah); once there was shortage of food in Madina. He refused food till famine was over. He would eat only enough to survive, so much so that his skin darkened.

We cannot bring that just system overnight; it requires a bit of work. But in the mean time we can donate; our closets are filled with warm (& other) clothes and shoes that we don’t / rarely use. Search through your wardrobes, take these out and give to poor. There are plenty of them around you. Or, pack these and take to charitable organisations such as Edhi, SOS Village, Save the Children, etc, or drop the articles into donation boxes. But please don’t delay, do it today.
I myself do it every few months as a habit. I would pack stuff and take it to poor countries when I travel there.
I Don’t Want to Eat – I Don’t Have Food
Lastly, when children waste food, just show them this picture:

Enough said, Act Now. As Actions Speak Louder
Good one.
JazakAllah, we should persuade our Organizations too that either through its conscientious leadership / people or CSR (corporate social responsibility) to act timely for such seasonal & occasional donations round the year……
Only if we could ensure that right of people is delivered to them. The wealth of people (i.e. oil/gas/minerals/water/land) needs to be returned to their rightful owners with justice. Then there would not be much need to feel sorry for them, rather they would live among the rest with dignity and ease.
Meanwhile, as make shift arrangement, help should be extended to them.
AA Sir,
Thanks for the remonder!
Jazak Allah, Allah hamin unlogon ki khidmat or madad karnay ki tufeeq ata farmain jo beasra is dunia main apna waqt pora karahay hain. Allah Talah Farmatay hain tum log meri makhlooq ki madad karo main tumhari madad karonga. Alquran.
Oh Mighty Allah,I wish there were not such diffferences.Bless each and everyone with your blessings.
Jazak Allah, Ohh Allah make us to take action