Prophet’s Prediction for Shaam (Syria)

Syrian secular army has gone well beyond in atrocities & killing Muslims comparing with Egypt, Tunis, Marrakesh & Libya. It is acting as if Amreekans are killing in Iraak or Ufganistaan. Perhaps this is the biggest such killing after Bosnia. But change is inevitable, it is only a matter of time insha Allah; 70% area is out of Asad regime’s control.

 Our loved Prophet (SAW) predicted “War will start in three places; Iraaq, Yemen & Shaam (Syria). Where shall we go, companions enquired? Shaam, reply came; because Angels would descend there to support”.

Also, all of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) sayings indicate that Shaam will be the headquarter of Imam Mahdi (AS), as well as Eesa (Jesus AS) would descend there, insha Allah.

No wonder we are hearing people chanting for Khilafat there; this is time for Prophet’s (SAW) sayings to come true! insha Allah

Urdu (Click on the writing below to Enlarge)




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9 years ago

Now Yemen and Saudi are fighting each other!

12 years ago

Well I guess we still have Yemen war to take place,, unfortunately the reference of Hadees is not given ,, hence we can not analyze the exact words i.e. we can not determine if the wars would take place at one single time or at different times !!