Poor Picking Food

This photo was taken in Lahore in early January (Click to Enlarge). What does this photo tell you?


 1-      A poor man is picking food from a pile of rubbish and eating it.

 2-      Two little girls are collecting waste to burn as fuel.

 3-      None of them are wearing any jumper or jacket, nor proper shoes. Do you know how cold the weather is in Lahore now days? It often goes below zero during night.

Shame on You Our Leaders! Dont you remember the rulers who were fearful even if a dog was hungry. People are eating from rubbish and you sleep in your palaces safe & satisfied.

 This photo obliges us to be Thankful to God for being in far better state than them, and:

 1-      Not to Waste Food that Allah Ta’ala has blessed us with.

 2-      Look around you and Give Charity / Sadaqah as much as you can, or as little as you can.

 3-      There will be many jumpers, Jackets, Sweaters, Shoes and clothes that you very rarely use. Give these to needy. Donate them to a Charity. It is simple and Easy. Just put them in a bag and hand it to your servant or driver. He will do the rest. Or hand them to poor walking along the street. But Don’t Wait, Please DO IT NOW.

4- Work to bring back the true & Just Islamic Ruling System, also known as KHILAFAT that ensures each & every person under their rule is fed.

Omar RA reported that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was asked that what is the best action? He replied,

” To bring happiness to your Muslim brother brings great reward. If he is hungry then feed him. If he does not have dress, then clothe him. If he is needy then fulfill his need.” Tabrani

And our Propphet SAW Said:

“He who finds relief for one who is hard pressed, Allah would make things easy for him in the Hereafter”.



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Haris Bin Siddique
Haris Bin Siddique
13 years ago

we all need to review the way we are conducting our lives. what makes us feel proud of as an individual? what makes us feel stand out among others as an individual?…… believe it or not all of us has some role to play which is collectively contributing towards this corrupt nation.
Certainly rulers are no exception!!!

13 years ago

Though not good at all, but…..thanks GOD democrecy is safe and sound!

Hassan Jamil Khan
Hassan Jamil Khan
13 years ago

It is indeed sad situation but I still don’t understand our nation, they are still looking towards crupt politicians. Any rally you look at, you will see ten of thousands of people turned up. Classic example is Mush’s rally yesterday.

Hafiz Abdul Mannan
Hafiz Abdul Mannan
13 years ago

sirf apni apni pri hy sab ko….. na khaliq yad rha na khalq_e_Khuda…. Lamha_e_Fikriya…….

parveen akhtar
13 years ago

What a sad satuation. I wish we can do some thing for them, create jobs for them so that they can work and look after themselves.