
About a month ago, an NGO “Nights for All” gathered gays and prostitutes in Nathiagali for a workshop to help them express their experiences freely.
About a week ago, American embassy in Pakistan arranged a public ceremony in Islamabad for gays &lesbians. Around 75 people from all over Pakistan joined this event. The ambassador Richard Hogland announced that USA supports the gays right all over the world.

  1. 1.   Keeping right &wrong aside for a second, this practice of same-sex is illegal in Pakistan. It is against diplomatic principles for a diplomatic mission to engage in or encourage any illegal activity in their host country. Then why did US mission in Pakistan arrange this illegal event? 2nd marriage (polygamy) is not allowed in US. How would their government feel if Pakistani high commission openly invites people who engage in polygamy or any other illegal practice in US? 
  2. 2.   This practice is not accepted in our society. Again, foreign missions do not engage in such activities which are not accepted in a local society. French president wanted to take his girlfriend (now wife) Carla Bruni to India on his official visit in 2008. Since this concept of girlfriend is not accepted in India, Sarkozy was advised by Indian officials not to bring her ‘love’ along. Poor Sarkozy visited Taj Mahal, the symbol of love without his own Love. 
  3. 3.   Islamic law is clear about the gays &lesbians. It is prohibited. Also, Islam does not like to publicise any sinful activity in order to protect the rest of the society.
  4. 4.   Although many people spoke against this ceremony by US embassy, why our government is Silent? Why politicians are silent?

5.  It is against our law, our social norms, and above all our religion. Why US wants to do this? We clearly denounce this. We reject this. You have the right to follow whatever you prefer in your country so we reserve the same right in our country.

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