Bumpy Landing over the Pyramids:

As we descended on Cairo, the plane circled the Pyramids (Ahram-e-Misr) in such a way that I had the best possible aerial view. I suspect it was deliberate by the pilot just to show us Pyramids properly. I was on my way to Cairo 2nd time, sitting on the left side window seat of aeroplane. Landing was a bit bumpy as it was the 1st time. Cairo air is aggressive. I found the weather always breezy. It is May and weather is still pleasant. Days are a bit hot but evenings are lovely, cool and breezy. We walked through streets of downtown or town centre. It was an enjoyable experience. Except there are vehicle fuel pollution and dust/sand particles in the air irritating eyes.

I am staying in Semiramis intercontinental hotel this time, river Nile is on one side and Tahrir Square on the other. I am on 12th floor and I can see the busy Tahrir Square from my window. Famous Egypt Museum, Salahudin Ayubi Citadel and Muhammad Ali Mosque are clearly visible too, as are young couples sitting around Nile banks & bridges – a popular spot among young Egypts.
Current Situation:
Enjoying a cup of tea with tasty cookies from the hotel bakery, I am wondering a journalist must have stood here few days ago, reporting proceedings of the revolution in the Tahrir Square. Things are not settled yet. Army is in control now, elections are delayed. Perhaps forces within & outside Egypt do not want Ikhwan-al-Muslemeen, the only well organised Islamic political party in the country to take control. This is undesired by current Authorities, Army and Amreeka. As stated by one western official, Revolution in Egypt is nice as a concept for west but a nightmare to handle practically.

Only a few days ago, riots erupted between Muslims and Christians resulting in few killings and burning of churches. It was a kind of unexpected for Egyptians. They have been living together for 100’s of years, why now? People I spoke to, had the opinion that authorities are deliberately creating these kind of conflicts to make general masses appear violent and un-orderly hence unfit for change. May be these riots are planted by ‘someone’ to undermine the significance of the revolution, as well as to gain few other benefits, such as, government has passed a law that religion cannot be used as basis of election campaign, killing many bird with one stone.
Few positive changes to mention after revolution, Mubarak government had peace treaty with Israel. As a result, among other things, no one was allowed to talk against Israel. People can now at least do so. There was a huge rally outside Israeli embassy against current aggression by Israel. Israel is provided with 40% gas needs by Egypt, probably at preferential rates. There are rumours that there will be a rate revise soon. An ikhwan spokesman pointed that they will revise the treaty with Israel (but not terminate) once they are in power. “We want to have peace with our neighbours. We will neither act in aggression nor tolerate one”.

You would remember, the border between Egypt & Palestine was closed during Israeli aggression few years ago. No aid was allowed in, nor was Palestinians allowed to take refuge in Egypt. There are rumours of reopening this border now.
I noticed quite a few old buildings occupied or rotting empty at prime central Cairo locations. My friend explained that owners are not allowed to increase the rent or vacate a tenant from a building. Gamal Abdul Nasir made this law in 1952 in the ‘favour’ of poor to earn votes. As a result, owners can’t increase rent and hence don’t bother about any development. A sad, unfair & un-Islamic rule really.
Summer Time – Winter Time??
I really hate this concept of Summer Time & Winter Time whereby clocks are shifted by 1 hour. Unfortunately this concept is applied in many parts of the world, but with many variations. This issue especially poses a challenge in telecoms industry. The communication systems are time-sensitive and time-dependent; calls have different rates at different times. Some example of complication:
– America does it 1 week later than UK. This one week is quite confusing.
– In Africa, some countries do it and others don’t.
– Pakistan did it for some years and then didn’t.
– Egypt used to change time in summer. This year new authorities decided not to, but they forgot to inform PCs, phones, clocks, networks etc etc. This has confused many software programs. I have two mobile phones, 1 laptop, 1 alarm clock and 1 TV. All systems are showing different times. I changed the laptop and phones but they set back when I switch them off. And then there is internet which is showing the changed Egypt time, it doesn’t know that revolution meant no change in time this summer.
It is a nightmare! As a result my internal clock is stuck on 12 o’clock constantly!
Few Funny Things in Cairo:

I found clothes hanging out of almost every window. Besides getting natural starch, this is a good way to quick-dry clothes. Though I wonder how do they hang clothes so far out without falling down??

We passed by a building and taxi driver enquired, “Do you know what this building is? I let you guess and if you guess right, I won’t take any fare from you”. I failed. It is a “Crazy Hospital” he declared proudly! He meant a mental health hospital.

An ad for test tube baby treatment.
The End…
Read My Visit to most Famous Kushari shop in Cairo in Egyptian Foods .
Dear Mr. Ali, I am writing to you in my capacity as Assistant Editor of Enclave Review, a contemporary arts review sheet based in Cork, Ireland. The next issue of ER will feature an article on Art, Politics and Public Space, and the author Fergal Gaynor is interested in reproducing your photograph of Tahrir Square to accompany the text. ER is published in a print edition of 500 copies and is available free of charge; we would also like to publish our reviews online a little while after the paper copies are available (please visit http://enclavereview.wordpress.com/). I would be very… Read more »
What is menat by the Test Tube Baby ad…its not what i think it is…is it?
Salaamualaikum sirji,
I am a lil envious of you now ;). MashaAllah aapka job takes you to so many places around the globe. My job would atmost take me to amreeka or europe. Not to places like Egypt or malaysia or Eastern europe etc which is really different and refreshing.
Take care and May Allah SWT help us to help ourselves.