Bahrain Comments (March 2011)

One of my friend who stayed in Bahrain for some time, sent the following comments & photos regarding my blog on Bahrain.

These comments help understand the current situation in Bahrain. Recently unrest has escalated again and Saudi’s have sent their army to curb the protestors. You can understand Saudi Royal family’s interest in protecting Bahraini Royal family which also descends from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Bahraini Bridge King Fahad

“” I stayed for about 4 months in Bahrain on a project in 2002. Attached are some of the snaps of my visit.

Such a small country and that too half occupied by the US naval base (no go area).

You have been very lenient describing the actual purpose of the King Fahad Bridge. You haven’t also described that there is no parking space in hotels on weekends (Thursdays & Fridays) and yet for the remaining five days most of the buildings and hotels are free.

Saudi Cars

The long line of latest car models (never seen in our part of the world) that cross that bridge or road over the weekend is meant to seek the forbidden pleasures available in abundance in Bahrain. Alcohol, wine, women anything is available not just for Saudis but for the entire Gulf elite.

Sunni minority Shah rules the Shiaa majority and has even issued fake passports to Sunni Arab migrants to offset the balance. The only real green parts in Bahrain are around the King’s palace. Large majority of jobs in market and technical areas are occupied by Indians mostly South Indians and they have a very strong hold.

Jaamia Mosque Bahrain


Imagine a country surrounded by water all around and yet not one natural sand beach. Overall a pathetic place to live. “”

BELOW are some Video and Photo Links relating to the attrocities in Bahrain:

The End….

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13 years ago

Hi, I believe the government is the agressor, not only because of the turmoil happening now but because they have refused to move towards democracy during the whole last decade. The problems in Bahrain has existed for many years and every one there has known about it, finally some thing has sparked the movment for democracy. Having dictators is politics of the past it should be fought globally. It is sad to hear about the civilian pakistani people who have been killed probably many of them are innocent. But we also need to be aware of the fact that the… Read more »

14 years ago

Pakistanis play / played a vital role in many of middle eastern armies (UAE, Saudi, etc etc). Pakistanis either trained them and / or are in large number serving there. This is also true for Bahrain. As told in the news, there was an ad in the Pakistani media seeking applicants for Bahraini security forces. This issue was taken very seriously by a Bahraini humans rights organisation and seen / portrayed as supporting the royals. As a result, Shia protestors started attacking Pakistani community there. A number of people were killed. These attacks news was not shown on any international… Read more »