Dr Toby vs Mr Fazal ur Rehman

Dr. Toby vs Mr Fazal ur Rehman

Meet Dr Toby Ord. He is an Oxford University research academic who has pledged to donate a million pounds to charity over the course of his working life. Dr Ord, a moral philosopher, will give away more than a third of his £33,000 salary this year (leaving him with £20,000) and then 10 per cent of his income for the rest of his working life, which should add up to around £1 million (GBP). He has also set up an organization “Giving What We Can” to encourage other people to follow suit. His partner is also supporting him, she would keep £25000 of her salary and rest will go to charity (women need a bit more!).

Dr Toby Ord & Partner Bernadette

His philosophy is simple “friends, books, music, & place to live, what else do we need for life?” So whatever the couple earns above simple comfortable living goes to needy. Salute to you Mr & Mrs Ord.

Now meet Mr Fazal ur Rehman (also known as Maulana). He is the head of political party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam which was part of the People’s Party government coalition. Mr Fazal announced that his party quits the government. The decision was taken in an emergency party meeting after government removed one of the ministers (Azam Swati) belonging to his party.

The reason given for separation is that he was not taken into confidence before sacking the minister and that it is a principled (usooli) decision. What a great reason! I believe the actual reason is the removal of the minister. Mr Fazal loves being in Government. People are dying in the country out of hunger. Nation faced electricity shortage, wheat crisis, then sugar crisis, not because of shortage but due to corruption & hoarding by the mafia, nearly all of which are MNAs & MPAs, and part of the government. Where were your principles then? You have been part of this (& past) Government(s) who have ruined Pakistan.

You have said that government did not fulfill his commitment to you (meaning not giving you share in power!) so you are leaving them. Not a single word on government’s commitment to (& failing on) corruption, unemployment and law & order in the country. By the way same applies on all other “Big” leaders in country.

According to WikiLeaks, Mr Fazal arranged a dinner for American consular and then requested to be appointed as Prime Minister of Pakistan. Mr Fazal, your nation is dying by drone attacks, yet you go back to the same people begging “give me more”.

So, who will you Vote for, Dr Toby Ord or Mr Fazal ??

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14 years ago

The worst thing is that Maulana like people use religion as a tool to enjoy the power and corruption.

14 years ago

A very nice comparison…extreme greediness vs a balanced self lessness…probably the lust for power and money is so great that our leaders would do any thing for it…….its their soul purpose of existence……..anyways……..Dr.Toby would beat Maulana by a big margin….asooli torr pur…lolz