NEWS: A clerk working in Water department in India reported a theft of 1 Lakh Rupees (0.1 million) from his home.
Bad News for thief: The thief gets arrested.
Good News for Clerk?? No, Still Bad News: Police recovers money, not 1 Lakh but 50 Lakh Rs (5 million).
Now police is investigating where this huge money came from in a clerk’s home. Any ideas?
During world war, Russians thought of a wonderful idea of destroying German tanks. They trained their dogs to go under the tanks and explode, a kind of suicide dog squad.
The training was completed using Russian tanks. After graduating, dogs were deployed in the war. They gave surprisingly 100% results. The Dogs made no mistake.
They went straight under the “Russian” tanks and explode.
A bit old but funny. Pak army chief visits prime minister, and as usual, army check posts were deployed around parliament building and PM office.
A full federal minister happened to pass-by in his official flagged car. He was stopped at the post.
– You cant go ahead, he was told by an army man.
– How can you stop me? I am a minister. Minister sahib tries to march ahead.
– Soldiers aim guns at him. You are not allowed, go back.
– Thoroughly upset, minister sahib takes about-turn and marches back.
Next day, opposition leader spoke in the parliament and pronounced:
“Who gave army the right to stop a minister, especially in this democratic government. If this has to be done, parliament should be closed. This is like a slap on the face of parliament & demo-kracy.”
The issue was riased in the parilianment for further investigation. Did anyone dare to question army men? I think not.
NEWS: Gen Musharaf was due to visit India for 1 week but Indian authorities refused to grant visa.
Mushy’s RESPONSE: I will never visit India again.
Angoor khatay hein… hehehehehe….
The End…
The one of Trained suicide dog is very funny.
Once again …
Aap shaaaa gay ho
BTW, y India refused to Mushy?
As reported in news, Musharraf made anti-india comments recently.