Farooq Ice Cream Wala (Ice Cream Seller)
If this person doesn’t inspire you to do the charity work no one will. He is simply the all-rounder of the aid work, actually all of his family is. Listen to Farooq in his own words:

“I was born to a butcher family in Quetta. After completing high school, I decided to be a contractor supplier and started supplying goods to Government offices. As you would appreciate, being supplier one has to do a lot of bribing, lying, cheating and all sorts of other corruption. I did this dirty business for many years. Ten years ago I decided that this is time to change; I don’t want to do this corruption anymore. I prayed to Almighty GOD, please take me away from this. He listened to me and created an opportunity for me (You walk one step to GOD, He Will Rush 10 steps towards You). I went to see an SDO (officer) in relation to one of my orders. He insulted me so much that a fight broke, and as a resulted I was blacklisted for contracting. I lost means of earning & soon befell hand to mouth, so much so that one day we were out of milk for my daughter.
Out of desperation my wife suggested one day, why don’t you sell ice cream? I will prepare it for you she said. So I borrowed some money, she made yummiest hand-made ice cream and I start selling it just outside my door. I promised to GOD, if I succeed in this business, I will spend at least 10%, or more, as much as I could, on poor people. And also, I will use only the pure ingredients, no artificial flavours or powder-milk etc., just the pure & natural stuff. The business took off (GOD helps those who help themselves). People started pouring in orders and I even started delivering using a rented donkey cart. Nine years passed, today my wife supervises two workers who make as well as sell ice cream at our shop, which runs out within hours. My son does the delivery business using his van. And I; mostly keep busy searching for needy & poor.
I sometimes deliver food to Dar-al-Amman (shelter for jailed women). I take toys and ice cream for children with these women.
I got 3 poor girls married bearing their full expenses. I provide free ice cream on many poor people’s marriages.
If someone is building house and ran out of money, I give him building material.
I gave one person 100,000 Rupees ($1200) to buy a machine to start his business, now he has a full fledge workshop.
I don’t give few Rupees to every street beggar. It does neither help them nor me. I would assess the person. If he is genuinely needy, I help him start his business by buying tools or goods to sell.
Last year I planted 500 plants in various parts of Quetta, these are being looked after and will be full grown trees by next year.
I felt very bad when I saw dead body of a girl whose parents had to borrow a piece of cloth to cover her body. It costs 600 Rupees ($7) to buy a burial cloth and many people don’t even have this money. I’m trying to start a free burial project within a month.
A train was dispatched with aid for 2005 earthquake victims, I couldn’t go myself so I managed the food for the volunteers on the train. When 2008 earthquake victims came to Quetta, I arranged food, blankets and children’s medicine for 200 persons.
Talking about recent flooding (Pakistan August 2010), I wanted to help them all but no single person or a family could cope as it is such a huge disaster. Anyhow, we did a little bit we could. We have donated all of our clothes and utensils except the most needed ones. We have bought plastic sheets, mats also, and now gathering more aid in our area.
I arranged for 450 people’s hair cut at the two relief camps. I also supplied one days worth of food for 200 people at relief camp. Everybody had ice cream at both the camps on Eid day.
My wife took Bengals & henna to relief camp on Eid night. My daughter has done a beautician course so she applied henna to girls’ hands at flood relief camp. She trained few others there and then together, they decorated all the ladies at the camp.
I used to wear kulaf-wala suit (starch applied clothes to keep them straight) but I gave up, they make the person feel arrogant (takabuur).”
O GOD, Faruque has left me wordless. It just makes me wonder what have I done? He simply does every & any good that passes his way. This should be the attitude of all of us. Just do it no matter how big or small a deed is. Be it removing a pebble from a path, advising bus route to a passenger, pushing a broken car, soothing a crying child, comforting a person in distress, or a person in need of guidance. Just do it. You don’t have to to be a superman to help needy. You don’t have to be a Rambo to resolve an issue. We need ordinary people for ordinary issues. Don’t wait for the angel of help – you do it. You help. After all this was the path of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)!
And, I am not telling you this story to admire Farooq, or his work. Real motive is that you take on what he is doing. otherwise we all lose the purpose..
What an amazing story!
Thank You very much Kashif!
God Bless!
Of course, we can’t get any better than this. If we carefully read his story you will observe two things i.e. Vision and Struggle. Hats off to you for sharing another good message.
A very touching story. May Allah help us all to walk the right path and help others. Thank you for sharing this.