Biggest Ever US Arms Deal

Biggest Ever US Arms Deal

  Obama Govt has recently approved the Biggest Ever Arms deal in the US history. They are going to sell $60 billion worth of latest military equipment, plus a further $30 billion naval stuff deal is underway, Wall Street Journal reports.

 It will create jobs for up to 75000 people, badly needed to support US’s troubled economy. I wonder who are the Saudi’s going to use the weapons against?? Perhaps Iran. Well-done US, a very well all-rounded move…

 And what about Saudi Arabia? The weapons bought by them are not for hunting animals, these will of course be used by Saudi humans to kill other humans from neighbouring countries. And neighbours are Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates. So who is really the enemy of Saudi Arabia for which she is buying weapons?

War will bring more destruction & killing for Saudis & neighbours, with Saudi wealth & would support the US Weapons industry; very well done Saudi Arabia….

 Wouldn’t be better to spend this $ 90 Billion for the welfare of Saudi people, more schools, more hospitals, better infrastructure better life standard!!!!

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