A Courageous Hand-Less

God Helps those who help themselves..

This is a story of a brave man Muhammad Amin from Hyderabad. He was a welder and leading a normal life until one day….

Amin (right) with a friend

An accident changed his life forever, he lost his hands. Amin was devastated. For one whole year he remained in despair, doing nothing, just pondering what to do now. The life appeared to reach to a dead end. Imagine for a moment, a life without hands.

Amin composed himself and decided to fight back. He learned to live without hands. Soon he started a corner juice shop & started earning his means. He proved “Life is not what happens to you, rather how you react to what happens to you”.

At his Cane Juice Shop

He now leads near-normal life. He writes, drives and does other chores without hands. People visit to see him working.  Another interesting lesson one can learn from him is, he took action to change his situation. Surely nothing happens on its own, “You need to Act to Change your situation“.

Even courageous is his wife who, despite his disability, decided to go ahead & marry him. Amin was in the process of engagement when he lost his hands. People encouraged his finance to walk away, saying, how can one live with such a person for the whole life. She stood fast and took the challenge of marrying him. It was a great courage and sacrifice from her.

Amin giving Charity to a Begger

This picture really got my attention. A hand-less man giving charity to a ‘hand-full’ man. You tell me who has the ‘upperhand’ here?

The message from Amin to able-bodied people sitting at home and waiting for help is “Get out & do something, there are plenty of opportunities out there”.

Surely, God helps those who help themselves.

Listen to Amin’s own words: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMwdjvamueA&feature=related

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Imran Akram
14 years ago

That’s what life is all about, “It ain’t about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”

Chistia Syed
Chistia Syed
14 years ago

Subhanallah! May Allah make things easy for him, and May we be grateful for all the blessings Allah has given us!

14 years ago

Another great living example for changing ourselves and of course upper hand is better than the lower one.