Further to my discussion on Moon Sighting & different Opinions, and Science about Moon Sighting, see below a nice article in Urdu:
Click Here to Read: Moon Sighting Article in Urdu
The author very nicely explains that having more than one Eids is just a recent phenomenon. It started only few years ago after the demise of Usmani Khilafat. Having different local sighting and Eids was introduced deliberately into Muslims to divide us.
The honourable classical Fiqh scholars like Imam Hanifah, Shafai etc, all talk about ONE Moon & ONE Eid or Ramadhan. The concept was implemented very successfully throughout Muslim world; Indians and Arabs had the same Moon date. This fact is proven if you read history books. The author provides clear Islamic evidences in the favour of global moon sighting for all Ummah. Unity as one nation under one leadership is the Answer. No, he is not advocating for United Nations of Muslims – we are only ONE NATION, so we want “United State of Muslims”.
Read & Enjoy: Moon Sighting Article in Urdu (download & then Read)
Read Part 1 for Detailed Article on the Subject in English
and Part 2 to Cover the Scientific aspects of new Moon & its visibility.
Masha Allah, Jazaka Allah
Borther Kashif Agree with you in both points.
Thanks for the guidance and JazakAllah.
Secondly I agree with the concept of Khilafat but do you think we are justified to follow the Khilafat concept for moon sighting and follow nationalism for the rest :)???
With my limited thinking I presume that one should either follow nationalism or Khilafat in each and every aspect of life.
Note: Please be noted I am not trying to deny the facts of Khilafat
You just are very True!
We must follow the concept of Khilafat in each & everything. Khilafat is political system which is applicable in all walks of life, especially in the nationalism.
We are one nation from our ideology; we must have one system & one leader. insha Allah.
A very interesting article. Thanks for sharing but I wonder what an individual can do in this situation. I know we have been doing wrong but whom to follow in this case? According to the article who so ever sights the moon first should be followed. But in our case if I follow Saudi Arabia or any other country(Sighting the moon first) then I will be alone doing so and rest of our friends and families will be following the local sighting committee and by the end of the day I will be isolated, celebrating my OWN Eid :). I… Read more »
Masha Allah, This is good to see that you liked the article. You are right; you will be alone on occasions. I have been following this opinion since I have known it. I am not alone, there is a group of people I know that do the same. And there are many. It is difficult to go against the family or the society, but at least I am satisfied I am following something right. In fact, there are many other issues where I am alone. Like I don’t involve in interest or bribery yet it is common in our society.… Read more »