Here is a no nonsense Pulao Rice recipe.
1. Basmati Rice: 1 Cup per 2/3 persons
2. Ginger Chopped Half TSP (Tea Spoon) per Cup (of Rice)
3. Onion Sliced Half per 1 Cup
4. Garlic Chopped 1 Clove per Cup
5. Tomato Half per Cup
6. Salt Half TSP per Cup
7. Cumin Seed Half TSP per Cup
8. Add any of these you like & have, and adjust the quantity to your taste: Black Pepper, Cloves, Black Cardamom, Cinnamon stick, Coriander, Green Chilies & Red Powder Chilies (Optional)
9. Cooking Oil 1 Cooking Spoon per Cup
10. Vegetables any you like ((optional e.g. pea, potatoes, beans)
11. Chicken or other meat (Optional)

1.Wash the rice and soak in cold water
2.Put the pan on fire and add onion & oil. Fry till golden brown
3. Add garic & ginger and saute for one minute
4. Add a bit of water and eveything Except Rice and cook for 5 minutes
5. Add water (1 and a half times the amount of rice), Let it come to boil
6. If you added lamb or beef, boil for 5 or 10 minutes till meat is soft. Add some extra water to compensate
7. Add rice (without water) and cook covered.

8. When water almost disappears, reduce the heat to lowest possible, cover the rice with damp cloth (optional) and put an air tight lid on it. Let it steam for 15 minutes.

9. Remove from heat and very gently stir the rice. If rice are still not cooked, splash a bit of warm water and put back on heat for another 5 or 10 minutes.
Pulao goes well with raita (plain youghart or mixed with a bit of salt & peper), and green salad (onion, cucumber & tomatoes).
l You can vary the amount of spices and skip the one you don’t have or don’t like.
l Take exact measures of the rice & water to avoid over-cooked sticky rice.
l Each variety of rice needs varying amount of water and cooking time. Try to buy the same brand of rice so you know how much time and water it takes to cook nice rice.
l Stir very gently and only very few times to avoid breaking the rice.
l Cook in a big pot that doesn’t fill more than 60% with all ingredients in it.
Excellent recipe