Simple Formula for Staying Healthy & Keeping Diseases Away

Diseases are caused by germs (bacteria, Virus & fungi). They get into a healthy body through following infected sources:

–         Fluid (blood, sliva or sweat)

–          Insects (flies, mosquitoes, etc)

–          Foods (CONTAMINATED WATER IS THE BIGGEST DISEAE CARRIER, – Boiling or Bleaching is the answer, I will cover this in a later article)

–          Surfaces (water taps, door handles, lift buttons, public places like restaurants, buses, banks, etc)

How do these infections get into your body? Mostly though your mouth eyes and nose.

And what carries these infections to these entry points? YOUR OWN FINGURES.  Yes, this is true!! Our own HANDS CARRY INFECTION TO OUR BODY.

Your Hands are Your Enemy if you don't Wash Your Hands are Your Enemy if you don’t Wash 

We unknowingly touch many contaminated surfaces and then touch our mouth, nose or eyes, hence transferring germ to our body.

Do you know what are the most contaminated surfaces? These are door handles, tables, phones, water taps & buttons etc in public places as everyone uses/touches these.

Studies by World Bank, British Medical Journal and many other medical bodies that by just simply WASHING HANDS BEFORE EATING & TOUCHING FACE REDUCED MANY DISEASES LIKE DIHORIA, PNEMONIA, BIRD FLU, COLDS, COUGHS etc upto50% or more.

Few basic principals can save you & your family from majority of the diseases (in order of Importance):

1.     Wash Your Hands often, especially when you come from outside or use toilet, & before preparing or touching food.

2.     Do not touch your & your child’s mouth, nose or eyes. If it is necessary, make sure your hands are washed.

3.     While washing, make sure you especially clean the finger tips & area around nails. This is what you use the most to do things and this is where germs have place to hide.

4.     You must wash hands before & after eating.

5.     Avoid breathing in someone’s breath.

6.     Wash food & utensils thoroughly.

7.     Avoid using communal utensils (e.g. glass, spoons etc) unless these are thoroughly cleaned.

8.     Make sure children don’t put their fingers in their mouth.

9.  Cover the cuts & wounds. Don’t touch them because germs can get into your blood through these.

10. Avoid touching blood including raw meat. If you do, wash your hands thoroughly straight away. It will save you from diseases like aids, TB, Hepatitis etc.


Summary: Wash your hands & avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes. It will save you from majority of the common diseases.

No Wonder Islam recommends:

– Washing hands before and after eating

– Washing hands, face and rinsing mouth before & after sleeping

using left hand to cleaning oneself and right hand for eating.

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