Secrets of a Successful Interview

 Prepare Prepare Prepare

“Preparation is the key to success in an interview”

You have made to the interview. This indicates that you have beaten all the candidates and are in the final round now. You have to win just the final match. Interviews are only offered to 2 or 3 Selected candidates. You stand a very good chance here, prepare well and job is yours.

You need to understand the process of interview as well as what the employer will be expecting from you. Once you understand this, winning the interview will be a piece of cake!

What employer is looking for:

1. Relevant Education, Skills & experience
2. Your knowledge about the company & industry
3. Your affordability (Salary)
4. Whether you can go above and beyond the job description

5. MOST IMPORTANT: Your Manageability/Fit for the Job & Company i.e. “Right Attitude for the Job”; you can teach anything to a right-attitude candidate but if the attitude is wrong nothing will work.

Types of Interview: Technical, HR, Formal, Informal, Friendly, Stressing, Face to Face vs Telephonic.

Tests: You may also be asked to perform some Logic, Psychometric or Reasoning tests

Types of Interviewer: Technical/Relevant Professional Manager, HR Manager, Head of Department, Team Collegues, Recruitment Agency Representative.

How To Prepare

  • Analyze the Position/Vacancy
  • Research the Organization: Business, Products & Services, Market, Recent History, etc.
  • Assess & Revise yourself (CV): education, experience relevance, personal strengths and weaknesses,
  • Be clear about your goals, future plans, salary expectations, And Why do you want to join this organization.
  • Check who is interviewing you. Searh his/her name on Google, Facebook, Linkedin. You will get some information on him/her for sure.


  • Dress: White or Light-color Shirt, and a decent Tie, black polished shoes.
  • Boys: 2 piece dark colored suit (grey, blue, navy or similar, plain or patterned).
  • NO to Pure Black – only used on funeral).
  • Girls: Modest dress, Little makeup & jewelry.
  • Proper Shave or trimmed beard, hair cut and Clean Your Teeth (no bad breath).
  • Arrive for your interview 10-15 minutes early & Switch off mobile phone.
  • Take an extra copy of your CV with you.
  • Smile, Look the interviewer in the eyes & offer a firm warm handshake.
  • Ask for water (& tea or coffee if offered), it will help to wet your throat.
  • Try to relax & be friendly but remain formal.
  • Break the ice by saying (nice weather, nice office building, this is beautiful area, etc).
  • Sit up straight with your shoulders straight back and hands resting in your lap.
  • Place both feet on the floor.
  • Maintain eye contact to demonstrate interest and enthusiasm.
  • Use limited hand gestures(movements) to emphasize key points.
  • Be aware of nervous movements such as tapping of your foot or playing with a ring.
  • Ask for clarity on the job applied for & the team/organization.
  • They don’t know You but only your CV. Make Sure you know what you have written in the CV
  • Tell about your achievements, good things & awards etc you got.
  • Think of examples of items you mentioned on CV, e.g. I managed the conflicts with banks. You will be asked for an example of this.
  • Talk about subjects & tasks you have done well, avoid the ones you know less.
  • Tell employer about your relevant things/skills to the job role you applied for.
  • Show thorough interest in the job & company.
  • Make the interview Two Way – Ask at appropriate times.


  • Speak slowly and clearly
  • Use “Action” Verbs to describe transferrable skills such as developed, designed, coached, executed, trained, arranged, organised, etc etc.
  • Answer honestly, if you don’t know or not sure, say so. Not knowing is OK but lying is crime.
  • If you are not sure about a question, clarify.
  • Take your time, think and then answer.
  • Try to smile (when appropriate); a smile will indicate confidence and enthusiasm
  • Treat Phone interview the same way as face to face. Dress up for it
  • Look for a quiet room, use hands-free (headphone), and keep pen & paper handy.


  • Avoid using word ‘No’ or any negative language.
  • Never blame or say bad words about previous employer or colleagues.
  • Stick to the subject while answering; don’t give more than the required information.
  • Don’t reply with plain No or Yes, say full sentence & explain if needed.
  • Don’t give statements e.g. I am the expert of Programming.
  • If you do give statement, you have to explain / justify it e.g. I am an intelligent worker, or I love reading books.
  • Don’t ask about salaries, sick leaves, pensions, vacations, or benefits, Unless you are invited to do so. You may say I am looking for right job, salary is secondary.
  • When invited for the questions in the end, ask few, e.g. what type of working environment is present in the company, what are career progression opportunities, if hired what type of team (size, location, etc), how performance assessments are conducted.
  • Never ask irritating questions or challenge interviewer’s authority. He is the person in charge there.

Few Possible Questions:

Tell me about yourself ? Tell summary of your qualifications & experience, and relate it to that job.

Tell me your weaknesses & strengths? Tell your weakness in a positive way, e.g. I am over organised.

Why do you want to leave the current job? Tell you want to learn new skills, and want to further your career.

Why are you interested in our organization? Read about the organisation and tell why/where they are good, e.g. fast growing company, financially strong, etc, etc.

Why should we hire YOU? Tell your good points from education & experience in relation to this job.

What motivates you?

What are your future plans? Be clear what you want to be.

Remember Interviews are for Mutual Need, “They are looking for a right candidate and You are looking for a right job. You are suitable one for them, this is why they invited YOU”

So be Confident & be Proud of Yourself!

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13 years ago

Ever green! we always a have plenty to learn from you 🙂

Sharique Javaid
Sharique Javaid
13 years ago

The blog is really helpful and informative. All of the important points are explained comprehensively.

Good Work Kashif bhai!!

Toby Rear
14 years ago

Incredible article.Ive bookmarked it already. Sincerely.