Earth is divided into two parts by an imaginary line called equator. The two parts are named as Northern Hemisphere & Southern Hemisphere.
These hemispheres have many strange facts related to them:
- Northern Hemisphere consists of most of the earth’s land area and most of the human population (about 90%).
- Southern Hemisphere is about 90% sea.
- Weather patterns are opposite to each other; for example when north has winter, south enjoys summer.
- Sun rises from east & sets in the west in both parts but shadows move clockwise in north and anti-clockwise in south.
- High winds, water currents in sea & air planes tend to bend or curve clockwise in north and counter-clockwise in south.
- Moon appears upside down in South compared to North. The Northern Hemisphere is more suitable for deep-space observations because it is facing away from the centre of our galaxy, so the view of the deep space is not contaminated by the strong light of the nearby stars. But Stars are far more visible & are much brighter in southern hemisphere.
- The earth rotates at about 1040 Miles per Hour at the equator but is nearly static at poles.
- The days & nights are of same length all year around on equator. But days get shorter on poles during winter and longer during summer.
- Near the poles there is every year a summer period in which it is day only, a winter period in which it is night only, and the rest of the year one day and night every 24 hours.
- And last but not the least: If you have a bucket full of water with a hole in the middle, the water draining through the hole will start circling clockwise in Northern and anti-clockwise in Southern hemisphere. And there will be no circular motion at all at the equator. Don’t believe? See for yourself here.
Strange isn’t it!
cool facts.
Perfect if you want to learn about the northern and Southern Hemisphere. I wish it had the other 2
Really good facts
*northern hemisphere is more suitable for deep-space observations because it faces away from the galactic centre.
*cyclones rotate anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere
Your fact about the stars being brighter and more visible in the northern hemisphere is incorrect. The Southern hemisphere faces the galactical centre of the Milky way, and being far less polluted then the northern hemisphere due to overall population distribution, it is more suitable for deep-space observations. Also, your last fact is not accurate, albeit true. That occurrence is known as the Coriolis Effect and while it does exist, it is not a force strong enough to influence the direction of water in a bucket. It mostly relates to weather patterns such as cyclones which rotate clockwise in the… Read more »
Wow great information this could be perfect for my project
Very well told information.
the website is nice very good information.
this facts r really interesting
good job
very nice:) enjoyed alot
great work
like your stories
I like these fact . This is very good information.