Knowledge (+ Action) is Power..

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Kashif Ali

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Hi, I am Kashif Ali, a telecoms professional currently residing in UK. I have a number of years of industry experience working for multinational companies. I hold Bachelors & Masters degrees in Computer Science & Telecommunication from UK along with many professional courses & qualifications.

My hobbies include cooking & eating, travelling, writing articles/blogs, and above all helping others to achieve their true potential.

I am very fortunate to have lived & travelled in different countries which include China, Canada, Egypt, England, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Sweden, Serbia, Spain, Saudia, UAE, USA & the list goes on…. So much so that even Sinbad would have taken me as guru, had he met me -:) He was limited to sailing but I am privileged to have enjoyed boats, ships, trains, trams, tangas, lifts, planes & any other form of transport you can think of!

I have visited many wonders of the world like Acropolis, Alhamra Palace, Neuschwanstein Castle, Colosseum, Hagia Sofia, Niagara Falls and Great Pyramids (Ahram-e-Misr) the only ancient wonder of the world still standing). I have climbed famous highest buildings like Eiffel Tower, Twin Towers & CN Tower. I have visited the most famous mosques like Masjid Al-Haram (Ka’aba), Masjid-e-Nabvi, Masjid-e-Quba (the first Mosque), Masjad-e-Qiblatain (where Qibla was changed to Makkah), Blue Mosque, and Imam Hussein Mosque. All Praises to God Almighty to enable me to do so!

Oh, nearly forgot to mention the swimming or rather floating in Dead Sea – a true lifetime experience! Thank You GOD for providing me with these opportunities.

Once at peak of my travelling, I had breakfast in Chişinău (Moldova), lunch in Vienna, afternoon tea in Stockholm, brief stopover in Denmark and dinner in London (not lying!).Thank You GOD for providing me with these opportunities.

Knowledge is Power!

This travelling has given me a wealth of knowledge about various cultures & people, and has broadened my vision. I have been through strange experiences. Through this website I wish to share some of my experiences with you. The objective of this website is to share & spread the knowledge, as this is the only way for mankind to progress.   Quran, the holy book of Muslims says:

“The one who knows and the one who doesn’t, can’t be equal”.

I have divided the articles into various categories, ranging from personal development, travel logs, fun, etc. Please click on the desired category to look at the list. You can also subscribe to the website by entering your email address, so you will be the first one to know the publishing of a new article.

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Let’s make this world a better place through the spread of knowledge!


Kashif Ali

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Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali
8 years ago

Kashif Ali bhai ..

I’v just read about your life Experiences .. I have just completed my matriculation I m so happy to read about your journeys I always wish to have a life like you but unfortunately I couldnt have a life like yours .. But Atleast I can make my life like yours and Insha Allah I will ..

8 years ago

very nice struggle for writing about muslim nation

8 years ago

Assalamo Alikum Kashif bhai, I have read your column which describe the detail of ummaya and hashmi and division of Muslim nation. I like your prey for unity of 1 Muslim nation. Please wite continue on muslim unity and suggestion on unity of Shia Sunny qoom

Dr M A Bashir
Dr M A Bashir
8 years ago

share your wealth not just experience !!!

Islamic School
8 years ago

Very nice post Kasif Bhai you should work on education mostly schools is not providing quality education..

K T Murad
K T Murad
9 years ago

Dear Kashif Ali – salaam I happened to come to your blog through a study of an article about Islamic rules of selling commodities etc. By having a cursory look to your blog and going through your introduction, I compelled to write you ‘well-done’ and ‘thank-you’ for such wonderful contribution. Your objective of spreading knowledge to others is highly noble and commendable. I hope this effort of you will also succeed in portraying a very true image of Islam among your readers of other faiths! May Allah bless you and give you reward for this in return. Wish the name… Read more »

Apsara Gul
Apsara Gul
10 years ago

This blog is wonderful Kashif Bhai…. i read your detailed intro today(there were quite a lot of things that i never knew before) and literally i m feeling proud to have you as a family member….You are such a good writer beside being a good person MashALLAH…..God bless you and the family.ameen